The damn bastard was gettin' all worked up on us. Trailblazer kept letting the fire raining down on him but it wasn't simply enough.
Now, i ain't tryin' to be all smartsy here, but my safe-bet was to kick his ass old-fashioned way. Yeah, the way the Cap does it, the way Logan does it. One punch at a time, againt this modern-day ton of bricks.
Asshole, gonna get you on the ground by the third round.
Luckylady taught us, never miss the spot, odds are, that you'll fail miserably so be prepaired for the worst.
Second exit kind of thought. Atlas jumped in for the first match of pret-a-porteau boxin'. The kiddo wasn't exactly expecting what did came next.
Mostly, it was fault of perspective issues, he wasn't pinned down because of the incoming fire, and also, crouching is underrated, now we now that.
Graveyard Sam was luring us into his trap, the second Atlas was on the air, a nicely handled uppercut got loose on the battlefield hittin' him in the chin, as well givin' him some insight on third class flights.
God-damn undead, with that resilience for avoidin' final resting.